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Cras semper, massa vel aliquam luctus, eros odio tempor turpis, ac placerat metus tortor eget magna. Donec mattis posuere pharetra Donec vestibulum.

Our Founder His Grace Mar Augustine Kandthil, ‘the apostle of the families’, Archbishop of Ernakulam diocese and Co-founders Rev. Fr. John Pinakatt and Msgr. Mathew Mankuzhikary strongly believed that Family is the foundation of the society, the nation and the world as a whole. They were simultaneously moved by the gradual deterioration occurring in the Christian families. The same compassion our Lord Jesus had for His people, urged these zealous spiritual leaders to find a way to save the families. Our Founding Fathers realized that the only way to restore family, ‘the domestic church’ was to model families on the Holy Family of Nazareth. Just as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Triune God, these three Men of God worked with one goal. The consultations and sharing of these eminent, God-fearing trio ultimately led to the founding of the Religious Congregation of the Sisters of Nazareth, dedicated ‘For God and Country ’ – to the integral development of families – through ‘prayer and work’. They follow the foot-steps of Jesus the Nazarene in lowliness and purity of heart along with Mother Mary and St. Joseph; which enables them to take up sacrifices to transform families into the model of the Holy Family of Nazareth.

The Archbishop was pleased to grant an extensive and suitable land at Edakkunnu (Paduapuram) in the Archdiocese of Ernakulam, Kerala, India. On 8th December, 1945 Archbishop granted the ‘Instrument of Erection’ of the Institute of The Sisters of Nazareth and the House of Refuge and he himself laid the foundation stone on 1946 March 19th. The blessing and inauguration of the Congregation of the Sisters of Nazareth and the House of Refuge was on 18th, and 19th March 1948 at Paduapuram, Edakkunnu. Ten aspirants were enrolled in the new Congregation, and some admissions were made in the House of Refuge on the same day. Msgr. Kuriakose Chiramel, who toiled at Paduapuram, day and night for the construction of the buildings and changing the land fertile will be a name always sweet in the Institute of the Sisters of Nazareth.

CSN Charism

Our charism is a deep communion of love resulting from participating in the redeeming love of Jesus the Nazarene, in lowliness and purity of heart. Hence the redeeming love of Jesus the Nazarene compels us to be in communion with Him, by experiencing and sharing God’s Love and to bring the people of God-universe as a whole-into this communion.

CSN motto

For God and Country. The Rules of the Congregation have been so made that the sisters may not find it hard to combine prayer with work, religious life with social apostolate.

Our Emblem





The Sisters of Nazareth are called to experience and bear witness to the bliss of the communion of the Holy Trinity in a special manner in lowliness and purity of heart.


Our goal is to become perfect in the communion of love and to lead all families to the communion with God, by assimilating ourselves to the sacrifice of Jesus the Nazarene on the Cross.


We unbound from all that hinder us to conform ourselves with Jesus the Nazarene. all our thoughts, choices, decisions and actions should be conformed with that of Jesus the Nazarene